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Event Details

    Conducting Workplace Investigations

    Date: May 16, 2023, 11:45am
    Robin Taylor with Butler Snow
    USM Scianna Hall building, room 1003
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    Robin Taylor with Butler Snow will be joining us on May 16th to discuss Conducting Workplace Investigations.  Robin's presentation will provide information and practical advice on how to handle internal investigations effectively and the appropriate steps following an investigation.

    This meeting will be held at the USM Scianna Hall building, room 1003.  As usual, networking will begin at 11:15 AM, with the meeting starting at 11:45 AM.  Please RSVP your plans to attend the meeting by using this link:  RSVP for May 16th meeting.

    I encourage each of you to reach out to an HR counterpart at a business near yours, or to an HR person that you work with, and invite them to the meeting.  All are welcome!  

    Patricia Norris